Our Missions
NTBC has as its mission to bring the gospel to all nations and one of the ways to do this is by supporting and establishing Missions abroad. God has allowed us to establish churches in Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Haiti. We continue to pray that God clearly shows us His plans and purposes for the next country He wants to take us to. Another project created within the Missions Ministry was the NTBC Children's Fund, which is precisely to select the neediest children within our congregations and support them to meet their most personal needs. Please pray that the Lord may touch your heart to donate once, or every month to this fund. 100% of your offering is designated for these children. Finally, we ask for your prayers that God allows us to do more for His Kingdom to reach those who need His gospel.
NTBC Children's Missions Fund
Cuba * Ecuador * Haiti * Nicaragua
Join us in sponsoring a child from one of our mission countries. Your sponsorship will help provide essential needs such as food, medicine, schooling, and spiritual outreach
Únase a nosotros para apadrinar a un niño de uno de nuestros paÍses misioneros. Su patrocinio nos permitirá proporcionar las necesidades esenciales, como alimentos, medicinas, educación y alcance espiritual.
How your support helps:
Donations and sponsorships are directly benefit the NTBC Children's Fund. Your support empowers us to continue our mission of enhancing the lives of these children and their families.
Sus donaciones y sus patrocinios nos ayudaran con fondos para los niños y familias de las misiones de NTBC. Su apoyo n os empodera para continuar con nuestra misión de mejorar las vidas de estos niños y sus familias
Sponsorship Options:
$50 per month for a family / $50 al mes por una familia
$35 per month for an individual child / $35 al mes por un niño
Cuba Children
Niños de Cuba
"Due to political reasons, we cannot disclose information about Cuban children." If you would like, you can ask the Pastor, who is in charge, Pastor Juan Barek, or Dr. Sarah Barek, the Principal of the DCS Secondary School.
"Por cuestiones políticas, no podemos divulgar la información sobre los niños de Cuba." Si gusta, puede preguntar directamente al Pastor encardo, Pastor Juan Barek o la Dra. Sarah Barek, Principal de la Secundaria de DCS.
Nicaragua Children
Niños de nicaragua
